Customer Experience Manager.
She’s the newbie!
She joined us in March 2024.
Loren joined the team…
in 2024, having spent 10 years in estate agency, and needing a new challenge!
IT credentials:
No need, I have my own in-house IT team!
Career highlight before Wight Computers…
Selling properties to three generations of the same family, at the same time. A juggling act but very rewarding in the end.
Favourite invention:
The mobile phone, keeping people connected around the world at all times.
When she’s not at work:
“Playing Mum-taxi ferrying my two daughters to a ballet class, swimming lesson or children’s party!”
Fascinating fact: I was a customer of Wight Computers before joining them!
Her colleagues say: We’re excited to have a fresh (and female) set of eyes look at the company from a purely customer focused aspect.
Talk to us today about how we can help your business get the best out of your IT.