Loren Allen

Loren Allen

Customer Experience Manager.

She’s the newbie!

She joined us in March 2024.

Loren joined the team…
in 2024, having spent 10 years in estate agency, and needing a new challenge!

IT credentials:
No need, I have my own in-house IT team!

Career highlight before Wight Computers…
Selling properties to three generations of the same family, at the same time. A juggling act but very rewarding in the end.

The Wight Computers Team

Favourite invention:
The mobile phone, keeping people connected around the world at all times.

When she’s not at work:
“Playing Mum-taxi ferrying my two daughters to a ballet class, swimming lesson or children’s party!”

Fascinating fact: I was a customer of Wight Computers before joining them!

Her colleagues say: We’re excited to have a fresh (and female) set of eyes look at the company from a purely customer focused aspect.