Our Environmental Policy

Wight Computers are passionate about protecting the beautiful environment of the Isle of Wight where we work and live.

We know we have a responsibility to reduce our impact upon the environment and encourage our suppliers and customers that we work with to do the same.

In 2019, we achieved the top score amongst the Island business community at the Green Impact Awards.

Below are some of the measures that we take to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


  • Where possible, we resolve technical issues for customers using our remote support software, reducing the need to undertake unnecessary journeys by car.
  • We are conscious about not using excess or non-recyclable packaging and this is part of our process when choosing a supplier for IT hardware. Many of our suppliers have heavily reduced their plastic packaging, in favour of cardboard.
  • We have invested in energy-efficient IT hardware, migrated away from our own servers, to using cloud-based services which are better for the environment.
  • By ensuring non-critical equipment is turned off at the end of the day in our office, we not only reduce our energy usage (and bills!) but help save our planet too.


  • When a customer replaces their old equipment with new, where possible, we try to retrieve and reuse any perfectly good parts to save them being wasted.
  • Everything else is recycled by WEEE* registered electronic equipment recycling waste management specialists, JadeStone, who confirm that only “0.05% of this waste goes to landfill”.


  • All recyclable packaging e.g. cardboard & plastics are sorted at our premises and recycled accordingly.
  • All electronic waste including whole computers and computer parts are collected by local recycling specialists. This waste is taken to the mainland, shredded and sorted into individual components e.g. copper, for recovery. Hard drives are shredded so that data can never be retrieved or reconstructed.
Other steps we take
  • Our website hosting service is run from a datacentre powered by 100% renewable energy.

If you have any feedback or suggestions on what more we could, please email Andrew directly.

* WEEE – The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive put in place by the European Community to promote the collection, recycling and recovery targets for all types of electrical goods and equipment.

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